Donate Now!

Your donations to Main st Can Help us make a difference in our
community and at large the world

Og Main Street Logo

you can help us improve the quality of life to our small minority Businesses, youth, & communities
by making a donation in one or more of the following designations

We appreciate your support. There are many ways you can help our consumers

Here are a few examples of how your donations can help others.

Supports a small business
with 1 year of We Are Open marketing support services

Supports a small business
with half year of marketing support services

Sponsors 6 workshops
for a cohort of 5 companies

Provides 1 company getting
2 mid-level marketing tools

Sponsors 1 company receiving
12 hours of consultation

Supports a company
with 1 year of Virtual services

We appreciate your support. There are many ways you can help our consumers

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